Saturday, November 16, 2013

11/16 Saturday Morning:
A Moment of Senior triumph:
Writing down my passwords on a piece of paper and remembering where I put the paper.

What I learned this week:
-Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, was also known to use Opium extract in her Eulsian rituals.
Helen of Troy served it.
It was served in cakes, made into candles, and beverages mixed with Wine (the original element of Spo-Dee-O-Dee).
Helen of Troy had it in her pantry as well.
By the eighth and ninth centuries, Arabs introduce it to China Iran and India.
By the eleventh and twelfth century it has made it over to Europe.
In 1520, this cat named Paracelsus (real name: Phillppus von Hohenheim??!) appears on the radar.
His deal?
He lists his occupations as:
He is an interesting mix of old and newer practices:
He advances the theory that some illnesses may be psychological in origin.
He identifies and names Zinc.He invents an alphabt to be used on lucky Talismans.
He changes his name to Para (meaning better than, or at least, as good as), Celsus (THE Man in ancient medicine).
He is in effect, claiming to be "The New Nature Boy" and far superior to that Celsus Geek.
Hohenehim gets bored one afternoon and starts mixing up a few things laying around on the shelves.
The result is a combination of Opium, Wine and spices that would be popular and freely available for the next four hundred years known as Laudanum.

Rokool Part Two:
(Rokool is a weekly guide to some movies and shows available on Roku you might enjoy).

Channel: Netflicks

Movie: Bride Of Frankenstein-
Five out of Five Stars A classic

The Rev Sez:
I assume, that if you're like 90% of the population, "Young Frankenstein" is one of your favorite comedies of all time.
I always assumed assumed it was a send up of the original Frankenstein from 1931. 
Actually, Brooks' spoof was based more on this one.
 It begins where the first one left off, in the town where the  monster was destroyed.
This scene, and everything else, from Cloris Leachman's character, to the grave robbing hunchback, to the blind hermit, all come from this 1935 classic.
 Trust me, after seeing it, you will want to go and re-rent "Young..." now that you get all the references you realized you missed.
This is a great piece of cinema.
When I say "Great", I don't mean in a "Rev. Billy" kind of  f--ked-up way either, I mean it really is a well written and brilliantly acted story.
If you're squeamish, don't worry, this movie was made long before the era of chain saws and casual dismemberments, and it's just subzero/straight from the fridge/live and direct from the Antarctic Moose 
Dig it deep my children:

Channel: Netflicks
Movie: Bernie
Four and one/half out of five stars

Well damn!
Another small town, another monster.
In this case, the monster is a relentlessly upbeat, deeply religious, sexually ambiguous, assistant funeral director named Bernie.
It's based on a true story.
Of course
It happened in Texas.
Of course.
Actually, what's interesting is:
 This kind of thing usually happens in Georgia.

I'm not the world's number one Jack Black fan, but this is a real gasser of role and he touches the match to it.
 One minute you dig him, the next minute you want to pull the switch, it's never easy...
I really dug the way it took a couple of surprise curves and never went into the skid.
 Black' choice of threads and his hairdo alone make this little gem  worth beaming into.

On the Turntable:
The Mighty Clouds Of Joy
Best of Vol II
MCAD 22050

Back in the early sixties, these guys were putting hip arrangements on old faves and saving some souls. Incendiary vocals and Willie Dixon on Bass, What more can you want?
Here's a cut off this collection: 
Some truly rockin" Gospel:

Here is your bizarre clip of the week maybe the month: "The Breakfast Song!"

That's it for this week, make sure and tune in the show at

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