Friday, February 28, 2014


Zohydro and The Oxy Morons

Leave it up to the American pharmaceutical industry. 
After the big song and dance about getting rid of Oxycontin, the FDA has just approved Zohydro, a new "extended release"  Hydrocodone pill.
Courtesy of a company called Zogenix, this one does away with that pesky buzz killing Acetaminophen and gives you the full-on, toe curling rush of up to five 10 mg Vicodins slamming into your central nervous system all at once, if used incorrectly.

Weeee Doggies!!!!!!!!
Zo High Dro indeed..

This little Ticket To Miseryville comes in  Light, Middle and Heavy weight strengths.

The jolt from one of the Heavyweights,  used "incorrectly" correctly will be about that of your standard Heroin fix, maybe even a tad stronger.
Having battled perscription narcotics for much of my adult life, I can tell you that time release drugs like this are every addicts' wet dream, these fiendishly strong little pills bankrupt lives,perpetuate addiction and kill more of us than all the bad Heroin in the world. It is good news for those of you still in active addiction. If you've going broke from  being forced these days to pay outrageous prices now that they've clamped down on the Oxys, stock up on some ZoHy 50mgs before the ER's start filling up with Hyrdo casualties, and double your money if you can resist them..

If you're not an active drug addict, you need to know how serious this drug is, and add it to the list of pills for you to worry about your twenty something kids and grand-kids getting a hold of.
Am I being over dramatic?
Note that this drug was approved despite stern warnings from several advisory panels to not do so, why it passed is anybody's guess.
If anyone tries to give you or a loved one this drug, be aware of how extremely addicting and dangerous it is, get a second opinion, and beware of  the those Oxy Morons.

That's what the Rev Sez.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I was unaware of the new drug.I know they just made of Oxys harder to snort & shoot up by changing the chemical makeup of it. They did that so people wouldn't abuse them. Why would they then create something and try to market it that does that exact same thing? The FDA is severely screwed up. Not just with approving drugs like this but letting other things like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup and other horrible chemicals into our food. We need to stand up and say we're not going to take this anymore! I've had a few friends OD off of opiates and I too have struggled with opiate addiction in the past and it troubles me they're putting out a stronger, easier to abuse drug. Corporations will stop at nothing to make money. We need to Pull a Tyler Durden "Project Mayhem" on
